Past Classes
By Wilbur Pan
August 6, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members
(use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Samurai Tech: How and Why Japanese Chisels Are So Awesome
It is well known that Japanese chisels (and plane blades) are able to be sharpened to a higher degree than most hand tools, and will hold that edge for a longer time while still being easy to sharpen. The reasons why this is true are less obvious. In this interactive class, you’ll learn the easy-to-understand reasons why Japanese tools have those properties, and how to apply that knowledge to get the best use out of your Japanese chisels.
You’ll learn how to buy a Japanese chisel, how to attain that super sharp edge, and how to best use them in your shop for woodworking.
Feel free to attend this online class in your shop with your Japanese chisels, where you can receive direct feedback on your questions about your tools.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Brian Holcombe
Sunday, June 11th, 2023
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members
(use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Introduction to Japanese Chisel Setup
In this class, you will learn about the design and strengths of the Japanese chisel, along with in-depth knowledge of how to set them up to perform at their best.
Japanese chisels, due to their laminated construction, can be honed incredibly keenly and yet remain easy to sharpen. And handles, often reinforced with metal hoops, can be struck with steel hammers and still last decades with the proper setup. This class will cover preparation of the blade, handle and hoop.
For those who cannot make the live class, or who want to follow along with their own tools later, access to the video will be available for two weeks after the live lesson.
Tools recommended for class:
- Half round file or a flat file and a round file
- Pencil
- Spare chisel
- Hammer and anvil or heavy block of wood
- Hoop installation device (not required)
- A way to remove the hoop, either a socket or round piece of wood
- Fine sharpening stone
- Diamond plate or a way to flatten the stone
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Wilbur Pan
Sunday, May 21, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members
(use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Introduction to Japanese Saws
Interested in using a Japanese saw, but don’t know where to start? This class is for you. In this class, you’ll learn why Japanese saws are a great option for hand saws, what makes them work so well, the types of Japanese saws, and practical ways to use them in your workshop.
This class is intended for any woodworker interested in Japanese saws. You don’t have to use Japanese tools, and you don’t have to be a hand tool woodworker to benefit from this class. There will be many demonstrations, and plenty of opportunities for questions and answers.
If you have a Japanese saw to bring to class, it may be useful to follow along with.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Toby Hargreaves
April 29th, 2023
10am - 3pm PT
8 person limit.
Location: Bonny Doon, CA
Log Peeling Workshop
Many of us have seen images of a Japanese teahouse, framed with flawlessly smooth round logs. However, anyone who has tried peeling the bark off of a tree knows that it can be extremely difficult and usually requires a metal tool like a draw knife.
It turns out there is a trick to getting a beautiful peel, and that is timing. At certain times of year, usually the spring, trees put out a lot of new growth, and the sap flows abundantly below the bark, allowing for easy peeling. This workshop aims to hit the timing right and give you the chance to peel your own teahouse pole.
Along with hands-on peeling and washing of logs, topics covered will be peeling timing, tools, and techniques. Importance of washing and seasoning logs will be discussed, along with sewari (control joint for checking).
Of course, we are dealing with natural rhythms, so there is no guarantee that we will achieve this. However, we had a good peel last year on April 1st, and it has been a wet year so far, so chances are good. On the off chance the bark is not slipping, we will have a backup workshop in round wood joinery lined up.
By Andrew Hunter
February 05, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Link to the zoom class will be emailed to you after you register and a reminder will be sent before the class is scheduled..
Layout and Joinery
There is no better feeling than when, at the end of a project, the pieces are coming together for the first time and each joint fits perfectly, with no fine tuning necessary. In this zoom class Andrew Hunter will demonstrate methods for getting this kind of fit every time.
The key to achieving the perfect fit is all about having confidence in your layout lines. Andrew will discuss various ways to create a precise layout including; mill, square and scribe rule, and of course Japanese center line layout. If each line is drawn in the right place, then all that is left to create a perfect fit is not cutting over these lines.
This is where the sharpness and precision of Japanese hand tools shine. Andrew will describe the tools he uses to cut and shave right to the line, without going over it! He will also get into the physics of a tight fit, looking at how the wood fibers react to compression under different circumstances.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Andrew Hunter
January 29, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Link to the zoom class will be emailed to you after you register and a reminder will be sent before the class is scheduled.
Dimensioning Lumber by Hand
Learning to dimension lumber by hand is a most fundamental skill, right up there with sharpening! In this live, beginner level zoom class Andrew will take you through the steps to flatten, square and smooth any sized board. He will demonstrate the process with three Japanese hand planes, a rough, a jointer and a smoother and will describe how each is tuned differently depending on the task. Even if you use western planes the principals Andrew will demonstrate are universal. He will show you how to use winding sticks to judge flatness, give you tips for reading the grain and will demonstrate the planing process in a variety of wood species and figure. This is going to be a great class, so sign up to watch the shavings fly!
Please note that this is a lecture-based class. Tools are not required, and instead students are encouraged to observe and ask questions.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Andrew Hunter
January 15, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use discount code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Link to the zoom class will be emailed to you after you register and a reminder will be sent before the class is scheduled.
Introduction to Japanese Planes
This online lecture is intended for students who are new to the world of Japanese handplanes (Kanna).
Maybe you've been thinking about buying a Japanese plane or maybe you already have one and need a little help getting it in full working order. Well, this is the class for you! From buying and setting up a new plane to using it to create a mirror smooth surface, Andrew will cover all the basics.
He will introduce students to a wide variety of different planes with many uses, from rough work to smoothing and joinery. He will also discuss and demonstrate the many ways he uses Kanna in his own shop as a furniture maker.
So, if you have been thinking about diving into the magical world of Japanese planes, wait no longer, this reduced price class is the perfect opportunity to jump in!
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Andrew Hunter
January 8, 2023
11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use discount code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Link to the zoom class will be emailed to you after you register and a reminder will be sent before the class is scheduled.
Good woodworking starts with sharp tools. In this Zoom class Andrew will discuss and demonstrate what it takes to get sharp.
Starting with the basics, he will lay out the fundamentals of blade sharpening. Naturally, the focus of the class will be on sharpening Japanese tools with water stones, but western tools and methods will also be touched on.
With so many sharpening stones on the market it can be overwhelming deciding which stones to use. Andrew will discuss what to look for when buying new stones and cover the unique qualities of each type. No, he won't tell you which stone you should buy, but he will give you all the information you need to make an educated decision yourself.
He will not only share his personal sharpening routine, he will also discuss a variety of options ranging in experience levels - from sharpening guides to natural Japanese stones Andrew will cover all the bases.
Whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned pro there is always opportunity for improvement, so please join in!
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By David Wood
Sunday July 31, 2022
8am - 10am HT / 11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Japanese Plane Setup and Tuning
In this class, David will walk you through the steps for bringing a new Japanese hand plane into full working order.
To start he will give recommendations to beginners for purchasing their first plane, as well as suggestions for refurbishing an older one. David will then take students through each step in tuning up a block plane. He will demonstrate how to prepare the blade, including tapping out and flattening the blade back. He will also show the fitting of the blade to its pre-cut block and offer tips for getting a snug fit. Chip breakers will be discussed briefly with descriptions on how to tune and fit one to your plane. David will demonstrate a number of techniques for profiling the sole of the plane and will wrap up by covering the body mechanics of cutting on the pull stroke.
There is a lot to cover in 2 hours, so David is not expecting students to follow along with their own plane; rather he is hoping for plenty of questions and a thoughtful discussion.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Jay Van Arsdale & Jason Forster
Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 29, 30, 31, 2022
9am - 4pm PT
$550 including blade and dai material
8 person limit. Location: Oakland, CA/p>
Kanna workshop
with jay vanArsdale
and Jason Forster
3 day workshop
in jay’s shop
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
July 29-30-31
An intensive in
Preparing and Repairing
Used kanna-
Maintenance and adjusting
Throat opening
Single higher bedding angles
using scraper plane set at 100 degree angle
ura dashi
We will learn to cut DAI
and make
a blade out of KIRIBA
for a small burnishing plane
classes start 9am-4pm
bring tools
fee is $550
including blade and dai material
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By Andrew Hunter
Sunday July 24, 2022
8am - 10am HT / 11am - 1pm PT / 2 - 4pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Introduction to Japanese Woodworking
Traditional Japanese woodworking has much to offer the West, particularly those of us with an interest in working wood with hand tools. Japan’s blacksmiths are renowned for the quality of their blades, and the carpenters are equally respected for the skill with which they use them to create strong and beautiful joinery. In this live Zoom presentation, Andrew Hunter will introduce the audience to the magical world of Japanese woodworking.
Whether you are totally new to Japanese tools and want to learn more about what makes them unique, or you have taken classes with Andrew before and enjoy listening to him go on about the things he loves about them, this class is for you.
Andrew will not only include instructions on how to get started using Japanese tools like saws, chisels and planes, he will also get into the philosophy behind them and will share what it is about Japanese tools that got him hooked in the first place. He will make an effort to explain how to apply many of the ideas and techniques into a western shop.
Please join us for this special opportunity to get expert guidance and add another dimension to your woodworking!
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Jay Van Arsdale
Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 15, 16, 17, 2022
9am - 4pm PT
$400, or $350 if you attend companion zoom.
Register for Situational Joinery online class first to receive discount coupon by email.
8 person limit. Location: Oakland, CA
situational joinery workshop
with jay van Arsdale
a 3 day workshop in jay’s shop
following the presentation and discussion
presented in the previous zoom talk
the workshop will go thru the actual designing
and making of many of the examples presented
starting with expanding basic techniques
of design layout and fabrication
concepts focused on are
common areas
center lines
compression fit
participants willable to see many joints already made
make and take home
many sample joints of their own
for future reference
dates are
Friday Saturday Sunday
July 15-16-17
9am -4pm
Bring tools
and lunch
wood will be supplied
Register for the online Situational Joinery class first to get the $50 coupon code by email.
By Jay Van Arsdale
Saturday June 25, 2022
12noon - 2pm PT
3pm-5pm ET
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
situational joinery discussion and display
with jay van Arsdale
a zoom talk and discussion
of the application
of the simple
elements of joinery
combined into
practical for
of all sizes
common areas
center lines
compression fit
sawing and chiseling
-practical applications
for more
skillful joinery
design and construction
regardless of project
size and basic skills-
Saturday June 25-2022
12 noon to 2 pm pst-
Cost= $75
Good for $50 credit towards shop class later in jays shop
Register for this class first to get the $50 coupon code by email
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Dale Brotherton
Saturday, May 21, 2022
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Traditional Layout; Tools and Techniques
When practicing hand woodworking, one soon realizes the critical importance of layout. Tool quality, setup techniques, developed abilities all take a back seat to this. No matter how skillful one is, if layout is off... well, if lucky it can be fixed. If not, it can be sad, even expensive. This is why in a Japanese framing shop, layout is the domain of the most experienced resident craftsman. Just as sharpening is the foundation of edge tool setup, preparation and tuning of measuring and marking tools is the first step to accurate layout.
In this workshop Dale will cover strings, straight edges, squares (sashigane), brushes (sumisashi), ink pots (sumitsubo), and marking gauges (kebiki). How to set them up and keep them tuned. We'll explore how they are used and quirks one might encounter with each tool. We'll also review basic concepts of square rule and centerline layout.
In addition Dale will demonstrate making a sumisashi from scratch. If you wish to follow along have ready a piece of bamboo, a medium sized chisel (sharpened please), a small hand plane, a small saw, and something to tightly wrap the bamboo with (string, thin wire, masking tape, or similar). Hope to see you there.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Dale Brotherton
Saturday, April 23, 2022
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Natural Stones: Refined Sharpening for the Working Professional
Natural sharpening stones hold great allure. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they promise to elevate sharpening to an entirely different level. That is, of course, if you get a good one and use it well. In this workshop Dale will discuss what he looks for when selecting a stone along with how to care for and maintain them. Cared for properly, a good finish stone can last for decades of use, while bringing great enjoyment to the sharpening routine.
Dale will also walk students through how he approaches sharpening on a daily basis while working on customer projects in various situations and accommodating all varieties of materials. Bring along your questions.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Jason Forster
Sunday, March 27, 2022
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Shoji in Western Construction
In this class Jason will present all the steps from a recent shoji project. Topics will include design (on paper and in Sketchup), material selection, fabrication, and installation of five shoji doors and the associated tracks and trim. We will discuss various issues that arise when integrating shoji with a pre-existing conventional structure. Special focus will be applied to the efficient use of hand tools in contemporary construction practices.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Dale Brotherton
Saturday, March 19th, 2022
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Traditional saws: Types; Use; and Maintenance
This workshop will focus on traditional forged Japanese handsaws. Dale started using them in 1978, long before replacement blade saws were introduced and has continued to use them exclusively since. While working in Japan he developed a close relationship with a saw maker and metate craftsmen. There will be a wide range of saws to examine and discuss along with demonstrations of use and basic maintenance. Dale will also show sharpening and tooth setting.
Full disclosure: Dale is not a professional metate. What he offers is information that he has picked up and used to maintain his own saws. His hopes are that this will help to expand your knowledge and confidence to use these wonderful tools
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Jay van Arsdale & Jason Forster
March 13, 20; April 3, 10, 24; May 1, 2022
9am - 4pm PST
In-person class.
6 person limit.
The Hip Rafter: Layout and Cutout
This is an in-person workshop hosted at Jay’s shop in Oakland, CA.
Jay and Jason will facilitate a hands-on workshop during which we will investigate the fundamental geometry of the sloping hip rafter. We will work through the process of laying out and cutting out a hip rafter and its related roof members. Each participant will construct their own scale model of the corner of a hipped roof.
Bring your own tools and lunch. Material fee is included in the registration price.
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Jarrod Dahl and Jazmin Hicks-Dahl
Saturday, March 12th, 2022
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$30 non-members
$24 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Japanese Woodturning and Urushi Lacquer: Intro and Demonstration
Jarrod Dahl will give a presentation and demonstration on Japanese wood turning and urushi lacquer with his wife Jazmin. He will present slides from their 2 trips to Japan where Jarrod taught greenwood working, studied turning and they both began their studies in urushi lacquer. Jarrod will demonstrate turning in the Japanese style and discuss the tools, lathes, and techniques that he learned from his two teachers in different areas of Japan. Jazmin will demonstrate fuki-urushi, a layered wiped lacquer technique and show some pieces from their collection. They will also talk about the Hassui Ceramic glass coating they will be importing from Japan from Tokunaga Furniture Studio. Check out their work and Jarrod’s blog at
Presentation duration: 2 hours
Please note that we are planning to release these classes at a future date via streaming and/or download. By signing up for class, you are agreeing to be recorded and included in these future recordings.
By Josh Villegas
Sunday, November 21st, 2021
11am - 1pm PST / 2 - 4pm EST
$75 non-members
$60 members (use Coupon Code from newsletter)
Class recordings will be available to all participants for 2 weeks.
Links to zoom class will be emailed the day before class is scheduled.
Dai Cutting
In this class Josh will demonstrate how to cut a dai, the wooden block of a kanna. Along with a full demo, Josh will describe all the considerations one should make when going down the road of cutting your own dai. All students should walk away with the necessary knowledge and practical techniques to cut a dai, including specialty dai, like nakin-ganna, shi-ho-zori, along with many others.